
Starting to make head way!

Good morning all,

I had a good Degoogling day. I found 4 Android apps and 2 PC FOSS G word replacements. So, let's get to sharing the good news!

Android FOSS My first selection came from a websearch. I got a link for reddit and read the thread and found this little jem. Link for reference: https://www.reddit.com/r/fdroid/comments/lu7073/youtube_music_foss_alternative/

That gem is called Ymusic. It's FOSS. The only foreseeable downside I see is, it does bring up youtube vids in a search. https://ymusic.io .

Next up is an app for video editing/creation. Hey if I'm going to do it I'm going to do it up right. It's called Video Transcoder. It's available on F-droid. I haven't done any video creation yet but it's coming.

Before I found the above apps I found 2 other apps. First I found Audinaut. I'm still looking at it right now. Then I found M.A.L.P. Both apps are YT or YTM alternatives but do it differently from each other. Both are available on F-droid.

PC FOSS Software Now onto the sheot in FOSS Software for the PC. I spent my morning yesterday searching for FOSS editing/creation Software for the PC. I was getting alot of crippleware (um very limited version of the software basically trying to pressure you into buying it, for benefit of those whom aren't familiar with the term). Then I changed up my search terms found https://fosshub.com . What's that got to do with the price of eggs? Well I found 2 FOSS PC Software Apps that are game changers. First I found Shotcut, a video editing software app. I dabbled with it a little and it's pretty easy to learn. It's in Video section of website. Then last night I noticed that all the software was for x86 Windows. So it only made sense to look at OS software. Low and behold there's an Android-86 software app. It creates an Android environment on a PC.

Whew that was a hellofa a lot of info to share. It's out there.

Enjoy, Prince Alarming

##Apps ##Degoogle ##FOSS ##Software